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Target Letter Wiki

Target Letter: A Legal Notice Sent to Individuals Suspected of Criminal Activity

What is a Target Letter?

A target letter is a communication sent by a US Attorney to an individual when there is substantial evidence linking that person to a criminal offense being investigated by a grand jury. The letter informs the recipient that they are the target of a criminal investigation and may be charged with a crime.

Purpose of a Target Letter

The purpose of a target letter is to provide the recipient with notice of the investigation and the potential charges they may face. It also gives the recipient an opportunity to retain an attorney and prepare a defense strategy.

Legal Implications

While a target letter does not mean that an individual has been charged with a crime, it is a significant development in a criminal investigation. Receiving a target letter can have serious consequences, including damage to reputation, loss of employment, and potential arrest.

Responding to a Target Letter

If you receive a target letter, it is crucial to take the following steps: Consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. The attorney can advise you of your rights, help you prepare a response, and represent you throughout the investigation and any subsequent legal proceedings.
